Dental surgery equipment

Pre-Tertiary Certificate in Dental Surgery Assistance

Pre-Tertiary Certificate in Dental Surgery Assistance

Course Title

Pre-Tertiary Certificate in Dental Surgery Assistance

MQF Level

Not Applicable

Duration and Credits

1 Year


Mode of Study


Information for International applicants


(a) passes in the Secondary Education Certificate Examination at Grade 5 or better in the following:

(i) any TWO subjects from English Language, Mathematics, or Maltese and

(ii) any ONE subject from Chemistry or Biology and

(iii) any other subject


(b) the MCAST Diploma in Applied Science


(c) the MCAST-BTEC Diploma in Health and Social Care.

Applicants considered as “Adult Learners” (mature applicants) in terms of paragraph (c) of regulation 6 of the Admissions Regulations must be in possession of those qualifications and/or experience that would satisfy the Board that they have reached the academic standard required to follow the Course with profit. Such applicants shall be required to submit with their application a letter written in English giving their motivation for applying for this Course together with a copy of their Curriculum Vitae (C.V.).

Prior to enrolling for the Course, accepted applicants shall be required to undergo an occupational health assessment as detailed in the Occupational Health Protocol approved by the Board, so as to ascertain that they are fit for the duties related to their proposed studies. Students who do not fulfil this requirement shall be barred from attending the clinical placements indicated in the programme of study for the Course.

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You can submit your application online. The deadlines for submission of applications vary according to the intake and courses. We encourage all international applicants to submit their applications as soon as possible. This is especially important if you require a visa to travel and eventually stay in Malta.

You can compare your national qualifications to the local requirements by visiting our qualifications comparability webpage. Access more information about our admission process and English language requirements.

The University of Malta has student accommodation on campus called Campus Hub. Campus Hub is just a 2-minute walk from the main campus. For more information, visit the accommodation website.

Our dedicated team at the student recruitment office is here to support you every step of the way. From the moment you start your application to the moment when you receive your decision letter, we're here to assist you. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us at, and our team will be more than happy to help.

After you receive an offer from us, our International Office will assist you with visas, accommodation and other related issues.

The course consists of two parts each of a year's duration; the Pre-tertiary Certificate and the Diploma Course, provided you successfully complete the former. You will receive the foundation knowledge on the normal functioning and general pathology of the human body, introductory knowledge of behavioural sciences, basic dental information and principles of sterilization, to name a few. The public health study-unit will include basic nutritional and oral hygiene counselling and community dental health program planning, implementation, and evaluation. During the Diploma Course, you will further develop intellectually by receiving knowledge focused on oral and dental disease, and will enable you to attain and refine your intellectual and clinical proficiency so as to allow you to seek direct employment or further studies, after completion of the course. We will provide you with the necessary training for the profession of dental assistance and to advance the standards of this vocation.

The aim of this one-year course is to provide you with thorough theoretical knowledge, skills and competences associated with knowledgeable, caring and professional behaviour, in a variety of health settings where the dental team operates. You will further develop intellectually by receiving knowledge focused on general and oral health and disease. The theory supporting the various disciplines in dentistry will be discussed in detail.

Eligibility to the Diploma course is through

  1. the successful completion of the Pre-tertiary Certificate for Diploma in Dental Surgery Assistance or
  2. evidence of DSA qualifications, as outlined in detail below.

As a successful candidate, you will follow a structured course based on your entry qualifications and as directed by the Board of Studies.

By acquiring clinical training, you will learn and consolidate your clinical skills by being exposed to a number of clinics under the remit of the various specialties, as well as in the dental laboratory. The Diploma course will enable you to further refine your intellectual and clinical proficiency so as to allow you to seek direct employment or further studies, after completion of the course.

Course Objectives

The objectives of this course are to deliver the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge underpinning the practice of dental assistance. It is intended if you are interested in advancing the standards of your vocation. More specifically, the course will provide a sufficient body of knowledge to enable you to undertake your prescribed work with care, safety and responsibility and to recognize the full scope of your remit.

Year   (This/these unit/s start/s in Semester 1 and continue/s in Semester 2)
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
DSG0002 Introduction to Dentistry - The Role of Dental Assistant 6 ECTS   (NC)  
DSG0003 Clinical Orientation for Dental Assistants 10 ECTS   (NC)  
ORC0001 Public Health - The Role of the Dental Surgery Assistant in Health Promotion 4 ECTS   (NC)  
RDN0001 An Introduction to Dental Instruments and Equipment 4 ECTS   (NC)  

Semester 1
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
COU0901 Basic Communication Skills for Dental Surgery Assistants 4 ECTS   (NC)  
DNS0001 An Introduction to Human Biology and Anatomy 4 ECTS   (NC)  
DNS0002 Anatomy and Physiology of the Oral Cavity 4 ECTS   (NC)  
LIN1063 Academic Reading and Writing in English 2 ECTS   (NC)  
ORC0002 Health, Safety and Infection Control for Dental Surgery Assistants 4 ECTS   (NC)  

Semester 2
Compulsory Units (All students must register for this/these unit/s)
DNS0003 Clinical Medical Sciences for Dental Assistants 4 ECTS   (NC)  
LIN1065 Academic Speaking in English 2 ECTS    
ORC0003 Clinical Ethics 4 ECTS   (NC)  
PHB0305 Introduction to Dental Biochemistry and Cell Physiology 4 ECTS   (NC)  
RDN0002 Dental Materials 4 ECTS   (NC)  


This programme of study is governed by the General Regulations for University Undergraduate Awards, 2019 and by the Bye-Laws for the award of the Pre-Tertiary Certificate in Dental Surgery Assistance under the auspices of the Faculty of Dental Surgery.

By the end of the programme of study, you will be able to:

  • Describe the basic principles of oral/ general health and disease, and demonstrate the importance of public health and oral health education.
  • Safeguard patients' legal and ethical rights in a clinical and community-based setting, using legal and ethically acceptable policies.
  • Ensure health and safety precautions of patients in clinical settings using clinically acceptable policies.
  • Assist as part of a dental team in clinical procedures associated with treatment of dental disease.
  • Perform instrument/equipment sterilization techniques and educate patients on basic oral prophylaxis techniques.
  • Report basic clinical data of patients in treatment records, as instructed by dental clinicians, by using clinically acceptable indices.

Non EU Applicants:

Fee per academic year: Eur 10,800

You are viewing the fees for non EU nationals. Switch to EU nationals if you are a national of any country from within the EU/EEA.

As a graduate in this course you will have career opportunities within the private sector and in the government health services. If you are in possession of a Diploma in Dental Surgery Assistance (Second Class or better), then you will be able to progress to the Bachelor courses offered by the Faculty of Dental Surgery.

Health Stream


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